a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z #

Items starting with P

Partridge Berry

Partridge Berry

Mitchella repens
Passion Vine

Passion Vine

Passiflora incarnata
Paw paw

Paw paw

Asimina triloba


Diospyros virginiana
Pickerel Weed

Pickerel Weed

Pontederia cordata
Piedmont Azalea

Piedmont Azalea

Rhododendron canescens
Pinebarren Goldenrod

Pinebarren Goldenrod

Solidago fistulosa


Leucothoe populifolia
Pond Cypress

Pond Cypress

Taxodium ascendens
Prairie Coneflower

Prairie Coneflower

Ratibida pinnata

Purple Bluestem

Andropogon glaucopsis
Purple Coneflower

Purple Coneflower

Echinacea purpurea
Purple Lovegrass

Purple Lovegrass

Eragrostis spectabilis


Tridens flavus
© 2011- , the Spring Island Trust | all illustrations copyright Katie Lee, courtesy of Katie Lee
For information about living on Spring Island, please see the real estate site.